Tami White

Finance Director



Society of Design Administration

Tami brings over 40 years of experience to Jencen Architecture and our clients. Her responsibilities include administrative support and overseeing the company’s needs. She is a standing member of the Society of Design Administration, SDA. Her organizational skills and commitment to customer service have contributed largely to our growth. Tami’s extensive background in the administrative field includes tenure at RTKL Associates.

Tami serves as the Treasurer of the Andrews Alumnae Board, her alma mater. She is involved in numerous fundraising endeavors. She has also organized various special events for the Society of Rehabilitation and Lake County Historical Society.

Tami White

Tami White

Finance Director


Tami White


Society of Design Administration

Tami brings over 40 years of experience to Jencen Architecture and our clients. Her responsibilities include administrative support and overseeing the company’s needs. She is a standing member of the Society of Design Administration, SDA. Her organizational skills and commitment to customer service have contributed largely to our growth. Tami’s extensive background in the administrative field includes tenure at RTKL Associates.

Tami serves as the Treasurer of the Andrews Alumnae Board, her alma mater. She is involved in numerous fundraising endeavors. She has also organized various special events for the Society of Rehabilitation and Lake County Historical Society.